Dwight's Thanksgiving Giveaway

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by The_Boulder, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. 17 please
    Happy American Thanks giving :)

  2. any open number is fine
  3. I will take #19 please, and happy Thanksgiving!
  4. Sorry but you are voided in this giveaway. Read the rules next time.
  5. 49 then plz
  6. 37 is good :D
    If that's not available 47 please :D
    Thanks Dwight :D
  7. 43 please :3
    dwight, update number chart faster ;P

    ... potato?
  8. 48
  9. oh im dumb... oh well next time
  10. If another staff member can thanks I got ask help out in Black Friday so I will be occupied for that 2 hours. :D
  11. hint hint
    Dwight5273 and battmeghs like this.
  12. 28 please :))
  13. Could I have 45, please?
    Thanks Dwight :)
  14. 35 Please