[AUCTION] Vault Voucher!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ColPun, Nov 3, 2013.


How much do you think this will go for?

10k-13k 10 vote(s) 37.0%
14k-16k 3 vote(s) 11.1%
17-20k 6 vote(s) 22.2%
20k+ 8 vote(s) 29.6%
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  1. I know your just bidding me up now, I think I might make you pay it...
  2. 3 more hours till its mine :D
  3. Someone stole mine and i need a replacement
  4. Actually the auction ends 48 hours after last bid and (Virtual money has no value right?) 25k! Go away!:p
  5. Its all yours :p Cant be bothered wasting 25k on a piece of paper
  6. Actually it's an empty map :p
  7. lol, that i didnt know xD
  8. If it is stolen, you can report the player, or you could go directly to staff to report it if you do not who or want to explain something. This will save you the hassle, the money, and of course, it sets things straight, making things safer in the EMC world :)
  9. i should have auctioned my vault vouchers (got them from marlix) insted of selling them both (2) for a total of 23k lol
  10. it was a while ago and i dont remember the user X(
    FDNY21 likes this.
  11. Bump. 24 hours until Cowland wins!
  12. 25.5k, sorry I really need one :p
  13. Seriously?! You said I could have it :( 26k! oh and :p
  14. Lol, I kinda need it but 26k is WAY to much :p
  15. Ok, is it WAY to much? Or is it Way to much, *So gonna bid later*?
  16. Lol, I might bid later just to annoy you :p
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  17. Seriously! Please don't!
  18. You have no idea how much I need one to complete my collection, but 26k is alot
  19. You win! Please pay me 26,000r and I will set up an access chest at 7075.
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