Over-Powered :D

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Fyyre, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. I don't think its over yet.
  2. It's not.
  3. Uuummmmm… I am not exactly good at pvp, that is why I play emc. To see this………

    *goes into shock*
  4. Meh, I always thought that since it is minecraft related, it's okay if you don't talk about what the server has and IP/ other stuff :p

    Cool, you should check my cube of heads ;)
  5. Why was this bumped? :confused:
  6. *Shoves cordial in to a cannon and fires her closer*
  7. *comes back and eats qwerty's insides and pushes closer*
  8. *releases the muppet things in don't hug me I'm scared on cordial and pokes her closer*
  9. *weeps in the corner covering face with laptop*
    boozle628 likes this.
  10. *eats the muppet things and stabs qwerty's brain and kicks him closer*
  11. *flaming mob launcher's cordial in to Esther's sword*
  12. If heads did anything other than sit on a wall, (or floor) you'd be rich. :D
  13. *eats everything within 5 meter radius and murderers everything else*
  14. *types /ban cordial_pie PvP /ban Qwerty189 PvP*
  15. *Moves 6 meters away*
    *watched Pie eat herself*
  16. darn, this thread was better left dead :c
  17. *read the hole thread*
    ....I got nothing.
    ApeEmperor and sideshowallie like this.
  18. *floats as a ghost over to olaf and possesses his body*
    Parkerjv9 likes this.