365 day AMA and giveaway!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jtc0999, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. ;-; its a shame he doesnt because look at this cutie
  2. um... what is that? :p Is that Shuppet? or is that something in gen6?
  3. gen 6, but isnt it absolutely the cutest?
  4. Why, my dear Nether, it is none other than

    Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

  5. I suppose I'm obligated to look this up now...
    Something tells me it's going to be very internety.
  6. Number already taken.
    And i kinda like chinchillas
  7. Heh heh heh. :p
  8. Did you happen to forget to put in my number (11)?
  9. What convinced you to start streams for charity? 4 Please :)
  10. Let's try this again...
    5 please! How many chinchillas does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
  11. 24 please. Which MLP is your favorite? o3o mines Derpy Hooves or Octavia
    sonicol1 likes this.
  12. same here
    jtc0999 likes this.
  13. What is your favorite color?
    21 please.
  14. D': somepony dosent know DJ-pon3? sad, just sad xD
    jtc0999 likes this.
  15. 5 plz and why is chili called chili if its hot
    JaydenFerrer123 likes this.
  16. Number 5 also, What is your favourite block in minecraft
  17. Ninja'd
  18. Can i have number 6 instead please :)
  19. 4 Pie or Peanut Butter and Bannaners sandwhiches?
  20. #2 please. What is your luckiest number?