PS3 Community of EMC Players

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Dean_Catterson, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Hey this thread is for the creation of a community of EMC players who play online on Play Station 3. Drop your PSN ID below so we can gather and play some games online together :) Alternatively, if you don't want to reveal your ID, just drop me a PM or add me anyway!

    Would be cool to get some people together to play as a crew in GTA V.
  2. Awesome. My ID is cddm95ace just like my mc username. As far as multiplayer games, I have BF3, MW3, and WaW. I'm always looking for people to play with. Also, I've already collected a group of people from EMC who play BF3 on PS3 in a squad if anyone would like to join that PM :)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  3. My shorts are missing in PS3 world too. If you catch what I'm saying.
  4. Oh no! Call the police! Call sherlock! We need all the help we can get!
  5. Good stuff! You have GTA IV?

  6. Titaniumdeath74 feel free to add me :p
  7. Dj__Krazy ... DCUO!
  8. my psn is josh__12 feel free to add me (just msg me saying your from empire) I have a good bit of games but what I play most is bf3 and borderlands 2
  9. No, I've never played any of the GTA games :/
  10. Yes!!!! Finally!! Ps3 peaple!!! lol! I got Mw3, And hopefully we can get a few parties going for Bf4? Possibly? I dont know but i would love that!!!
  11. Damn everyone has money to buy stuff.... I just have me and DCUO...