12162 [M4nic_M1ner ("Miners' Discount", low margin, primary resources and items)] smp6 (Buy/Sell+Enchants) 12220 [M4nic_M1ner (wool, colored clay, horses and accessories)
1795 [Wisepsn and Defluxer, {Deluxe Inc}] smp1 (Buying Horse Items,/Selling Horses) Horse Accessory's Shop Closed as of now.
I think this thread should be bumped, I find it really useful and I'd like to share it with others Res 908 [Fellyboy & Jake_bagby] smp1 (Buy/Sell most items, limited enchants) [Temporarily closed for maintenance, should be open soon!]
I wont be adding horse shops here I dont think... maybe sometime in the future I will add them here... Also, Bump
3047[eklektoi/WCG_Elite] - Smp2 (2 part shop) part 1- buy/sell all items... part 2 enchant shop - Open 3048[WCG_Elite] - Smp2 bulk buy/sell (stone/cobble) - In progress
7174 [Champ4now (coal, gold, diamonds, string, logs, and other items I need)] smp3 (Sell (with a small organic shop) most of the info is in my signature