[Auction] God Fighting Bundle - Kill Momentus!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by FDNY21, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Hmmm I mostly Want the helmet so sure
  2. So I'll get the sword and boots? I'll pay 9k? You pay 5k?
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  3. Sure :)
  4. Bump! Can anyone beat Super and Demon? ~FDNY21
  5. Bump! Can anyone come back and take the steal? :D ~FDNY21
  6. have i won?
  7. For some reason or another my computers format didn't show the last few posts until I reloaded the page, my bad
  8. Sorry P1xel :p hallandr I will be online shortly and when I see you on (as we live on same smp and meet often) I will pm you and I can set up the giving of items :)
  9. ok thx:D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. Deal done :) Auction now closed!
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