I look at how many members we have today... and this makes me lol. XD Great timeline! Perhaps I will make one that includes the more... social (not official updates) events.
Ah thanks, typo'd 2013 lol Yeah but that specific event happened when EMC was just getting started and receiving its very first members, it was long before the popularity skyrocketed
*looks to see how far back on the timeline I was when I joined to see how hipster I was, looks, then realizes nvm.*
^ Words Shady manatee says: The one word dats always spelled incorrectly- *sinister eyes dart across the room as a slight tremor of evil laughter forces mortal terror into the eyes of all who watch and listen* -is incorrectly! *thunder crashes all around and lightning zigzags in bright neon white through the creaking windows as a dark and mysterious shadow falls on shady manatee's face, while his mouth opens wide into a grin, revealing his semi-anti-climatic flat, herbivore teeth, shaped somewhat like those of a hippopotamus, and a strange, foreign crackling, supposedly a disguised laughter of evil intent, struggles out through his hoarse throat and shakes the very ground around you*
Did Aikar and Max really become admins that recently..? Wow I thought it was like August 2012. Clearly I should've checked the site more often...
I love this. I would have been too lazy to do it. It deserves to be I. A place of honor. Do you wnat me to make an actual timeline with your data?