[AUCTION] Massive Mix

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by kritacul, Aug 30, 2013.

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  1. sure thing :p
  2. Yeah I'm going with Eclipsys :p
  3. 53k
    FDNY21 likes this.
  4. Eclipsys are we doing the same deal with 54k?
  5. Is that a bid ?
  6. Not until Eclipsys confirms it, no ~FDNY21
  7. So im winning on 53 k
    Eclipsys and FDNY21 like this.
  8. Split at 58, I'll pay 29 out of that (half) for all teh vouchers..
  9. Shoot didn't see that, Eclipsys I meant that we bid 59k and we split? For the same deal and such
  10. I, Eclipsys, Hereby bid 60k
  11. And I ask you for a split :eek:
  12. As of right now, until confirmation Eclipsys is leading at 60k.
  13. meh ill allow it, just tack it on as a random thing thrown in with enchanted items. in the future try to have 5 or more :)
    PenguinDJ, kritacul and brickstrike like this.
  14. Eclipsys confirmed the split with me in PM.
  15. invite auction owner to that convo otherwise he should be sending to the winner solely
    PenguinDJ and kritacul like this.
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