Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. A few (Young) members of my Family


    My Little Sister Qwen

    Another Picture of photogenic little child

    My Cousin Enrique, Qwen, And Evan


    My Dad & Older Sister

    Gwen Again

    More When I can
  2. Wait a moment...

    Macaulay Culkin?
  3. interesting...
    Baby_Cookies and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. And when will you come? :p
  5. So which do we hear in mumble sometimes?
  6. For all I know, this could be an elaborate plan to kidnap several children at once by identifying their faces, stalking them, and eventually capture them to be horribly tortured or force-fed tofu. But I'll probably participate anyway :p
    boozle628 likes this.
  7. Ya got big hands, btw.
  8. Its a fish eye lens so it dose that :p I have rather small hands doe :(
  9. No... Don't even know what to say to that.
  10. ... uhm, i think not. Macaulay Culkin is extremely hideous... the chickeneer isn't hideous...
  11. But he was cute when he was a kid :D
  12. He's right, you look like home alone kid from the timeframe of when he was in home alone.
  13. This isn't the first time I have been told this. That what bothers me. lol

  14. Much better :3
  15. I think I'd rather look like him as a kid than as a drugged out, anorexic adult.
  16. NEVER!!! Muahahahahaha, Jk Ill find a good picture and post it soon

    Its usually Gwen that is the one screaming, But Evan is the one that occasionally talks
  17. The question is mba, when will you come? :p
  18. Yes...I did miss the ball :confused:

    I'll put up a better picture later :p
  19. Honestly, i expected more walrus.
  20. Where's your picture?
    PenguinDJ and deathconn like this.
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