[AUCTION] Ore Buster

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Canucks_, Jul 7, 2013.


Are you going to win this?

Yes 6 vote(s) 20.7%
No 23 vote(s) 79.3%
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  1. pick up is 7276 on SMP3, there is an RTS to my auction room :)
  2. Under 1 day left to win this, bid is at 12.6k!
  3. Its getting closer...
  4. Your not winning! :eek:
  5. omg i didnt get any notifications that people were bidding D:
  6. 13k nooooo I was so close to winning!
  7. 15k, just to make it faster
  8. im not going to stop :/
  9. urggg hot another person :/
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