Hangout zone for friends!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SaizoTheFifth, May 22, 2013.


R U My Friend?

Yes 6 vote(s) 46.2%
No 2 vote(s) 15.4%
No, I'm here for another reason. Duh 1 vote(s) 7.7%
No... Derp 4 vote(s) 30.8%
  1. anyone know if it is safe to hav @ threads up @ once?
  2. No I don't soz
  3. I ment 2 at once but thx
  4. ill take a risk but first tell me how to close a thread or lock it?
  5. ill just say
    "this thread is closed"
    I just posted it too XD
  6. Only mods can lock threads. It's okay to have two active threads at once.