The Awesometer

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by IamSaj, May 21, 2013.


The Awesometer

is awesome 3 vote(s) 42.9%
is more awesome 0 vote(s) 0.0%
is too awesome 4 vote(s) 57.1%
  1. Now this is obviously not an original name, I have heard of the word awesometer somewhere before, but don't seem to remember, so here goes anyway. So in this new feature to EMC, players in town can go to their SMP's spawn and go to the Awesometer chamber. Once you step inside, there is a telepad to somewhere else where there is a grand entrance. There is magnificent creations and signs everywhere. When you get to the center of the maze and challenges that moderators build specifically for an SMP, you see the Awesometer. It is basically a button. Yes a button. You click the button and it takes into account your time on the Awesometer course, your overall awesomeness, your rupees, posts, activeness, likes and forum status on Once it calculates all that, it will show you on an awesome scale how awesome you truly are. This will truly make EMC a more awesome place to be in a community. If you think this is awesome please leave your thoughts below. Thanks for considering.
    marknaaijer and boozle628 like this.
  2. This is pretty cool. It would calculate "awesomeness" by number of posts, likes, quotes etc... ?
    IamSaj likes this.
  3. Could definitely hurt peoples feelings though....
    IamSaj likes this.
  4. It's supposed to not be taken seriously. Hence the name
  5. This is awesome, although I already know I'm awesome. :cool:
    ScarTheNinja likes this.
  6. K
    Ditto :p
  7. Doesn't effect how awesome you are. :p
    Uh, not sure if this suggestion is 100% serious, but I doubt that this will even be added. :)
    IamSaj likes this.
  8. HAHAHAHAH it's quite serious.