Well... Ouch.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, May 5, 2013.

  1. Because I enjoy it? :p
  2. Well, you can always learn to type with your toes.
    Y'know, if your into that kind of thing.
  3. vgfvfgbhgvfdcxzxnhjnnhb nhjmkjnmhb nhb cvfgbhjnjhg
    I cannot seem to do that :( (I did type above with my big toe :p)
  4. 9ijk659p0'yng ityh mjy bjhos43
  5. Five hours on, my ankle no longer pulsates, i've cleaned my fingers up a little bit (most of the cut was shredded skin and blood all over that) but my wrist feels like it's burning..
  6. e

    my bihhg toe
  7. Wow.
    My mum won't take me to minor injuries because, apparently, i've just hurt it 'a little bit'. I can't swallow pills at all and she says I can.
    My mum is an idiot -.-
  8. Well this sucks.
  9. I was on my bike as well and was flying down a hill at 35mph and flipped over my handle bars....Didnt feel good
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  10. I like how my mum says that if it was broken i'd be crying, and if it was sprained it would be swollen.
    If it was broken, the pain is beyond crying. All you can really do is scream in pain.
    And for it to be sprained, you only need to be in pain.

    For somebody with a medical degree and being an ex-nurse, she knows very little about sprains and breaks.
  11. I haven't broken any bone in my life.
  12. o.0 Oct 29 is my Birthday... I AM BAD LUCK TO YOU.
  13. Well my friend broke his wrist, and since there were alot of people around, he sucked it up. So i', pretty sure you can sustain it. She obviously doesn't specialize in bones apparently lol.
  14. i'm typing this w/ my footg.
  15. I'm sucking it up right now.
    My ankle still hurts. My wrist is slightly better...
  16. Don't worry, he has feather falling 4 diamond boots. :p
  17. Yeah one of my stalkers was following me and accidently pushed me over and i fell about 8 feet into rocks.
    People freak out a good bit over minor things. A friend kicked a door open when i was carrying a fence inside and i got the door straight in my face and the fence game me a splinter in my cheek and she was ready to call an ambulance.
  18. I was riding my bike, doing some stunts, when all of a sudden, my steering goes everywhere but the right way, and I ate the asphalt. I also broke my teeth, both of my front teeth. The chip almost went all the way down into the nerves in my teeth. So, now my teeth are almost purely cosmetic. The funny thing is, it didn't hurt. But if I wasn't wearing my helmet, it would have been my head instead of my teeth.
  19. You could always just amputate all limbs... except 1 arm for emc :D
  20. I just read this.
    I laughed so hard, that a "Like" simply wouldn't suffice.
    Chascarrillo, mba2012 and brickstrike like this.