Hey Emc, it has passed 50 days for me, so i'm deciding to do a drop party. The party will be @ 7:00 MT (Mountain time), I live in Colorado.) on Saturday night I will let you know if it reschedules. It will be @ res 18894 on smp9, you will not have to locate the place because you will spawn there! If you would like to donate; you can do it with rupees or items I have a donation chest with a hopper on my walkway where you spawn on my res. *I will not set the party spawn until it is actually time. If you donate any items tell me in a conversation, and i will add you to the donators list below *note- please do not donate non-special items, like dirt or common food, any type of building block; besides dirt; is fine. If you would like to donate money, tell me you have donated by sending me a message and i will add you to the donators wall. i will spend all the money that you donate on items for the drop party, so the more you donate, the better items i can get for dropping If you are still reading this, the first person to comment below with the words "Pinwheel Party" will get close to 1k rupees (more like 850) Well, I hope this turns out to be a big event! I want to see everybody there! Last thing, if you would like to help with the dropping of items, max 1 or 2 people, send me a message noting that if you do this, you will not be receiving items from the party, you can add your own things in there. Whoo, lots of things! Donators: - Champ4now (sort of) 859r- Choongjae 2000r
yes, very nice, and if someone donates 12k, ill put a beacon in the mix also, take that poll if you can
Oops I accidentally already paid you the rupees, if you would like to donate them back, youll have to go onto mc and pay me, sorry for the misconvinience
come on guys, I need more people to respond!! I will also go like 5 min prior to the party to all servers and say it! Donations are also always helpful
As the time gets closer, more donators are needed Guys if you have 2,000,ooor and you want to spend it on something worthwhile, donate some here, ill put it to the benefit of everyone that comes!
sure http://itsalmo.st/#electrosdropparty there it is its about 6 hours from now, (a little less) Donate soon!!!