I hear people asking all the time, "whats this worth", "whats that worth", "How much will this get me in auction?" I now have a solution: Post in this format! Item: Amount of the item: What you think it is worth: And (hopefully) someone from the community will be able to help you. Thanks, ~Stew
I'm pretty sure it's worth... around the amount of sass that comment had right there. Lol. Item: Quartz Ore. Amount: Liek, one. What I think it's worth: 12r
Item: POTATO renamed GlaDOS Amount: 1 of a kind with the enchant of unbreaking Price: 10 Mill, it is a super computer.
budder amount: 1 worth: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000r (because budder is awesome )