Auction: 3 Diamond Swords With Enchantments

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by _REMOVED_11489, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. 500 For Sharpness 4 and fireaspect
  2. 600 for the sharpness 4 and fire aspect 2.
  3. Cmon Daegoo xD 800 for sharpness 4 aspect 2
  4. How Do I make the image come up
  5. Oh.....
    800 for all i guess
  6. D3r3k How Do i make the Achievement get thing come up
  7. It Says the Link Only
  8. 1,000 for them than.
  9. Daegoo Help me get my picture signiture like yours
    And I bid 1500
  10. I Still Bid Higher Awtharok
  11. Any One Else Gonna Bid
  12. Did you use the correct link? I beleive there is one for signatures and another for something else.
  13. 2k :D sorry Aw u said 1.2 before xD THen Edit
  14. Ill go see
  15. im in lead with 2k :D