[Forum Game] How do you know me!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Jakebag, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. How did I miss that :p I usually just stick comma's in anywhere without following any rules :p
    You're the guy that is one of the what I like to call 'SMP 4 original members' :D
    Jakres likes this.
  2. I know you, but not sure how.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  3. you are the guy with alot of bacons
  4. You are... uh... let's see...
  5. You're the guy who isn't find of ponies.
    PRO_G4NGST4 and mba2012 like this.
  6. You are a toaster! You used to have that lazzer toaster thing as your picture. You used to post heaps!
  7. You're the guy who always had the cool renderings.
    And I still try to post heaps.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  8. ... Toast
  9. You're the guy who made the reply to SparerToaster by saying 'Toast'
  10. You're Eklektoi. :p
    mba2012 and WCG_Elite like this.
  11. Your the guy who acts Lyke a newborn llama
  12. You're the guy who thinks I'm a guy.
    mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  13. You lived with me for like everrrrrrrrr
    mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  14. You're that person I hit in the head with a rock.
    mba2012, Jimbonothing64 and WCG_Elite like this.
  15. you are a panda.... that eats ramen
  16. Your name is familiar to me.
  17. You wanted to make some railway in the LLO...
    Also chickens are generally cool :)
    * Avoids obvious headless chicken joke about blood*
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. You're the guy that makes the best signatures :)
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  19. you are the legend
  20. You are someone who has 12,145 rupees *I Think*