Hello all, This is the DC thread where I'll be putting up free offers and trade offers. But to kick things off, I can't think of a name for that gold in my signature! I can only offer a feeble 1,000 rupees to anyone who comes up with the best name. This Gold will very likely be male, so no feminine names please. Names from My Little Pony are not allowed. Note to Autumnrain26: I am in no way trying to copy or steal visitors from your thread. So suggest away! ~RED_Spy1
You could name your gold dragon Erebus. It's the name of a star, and I just like the name. If you don't like the name, sorry. I stopped naming mine after my like 48th dragon.
Okay, new free offer. A third gen Nebbie egg. And here is where I will post the rules. YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST NAME THE HATCHIES. I AM SICK OF SEEING "UNNAMED" NEXT TO HATCHIES AND EVEN ADULT DRAGONS. IF YOU CAN'T COME UP WITH A NAME, DON'T EVEN BOTHER TAKING THE OFFER. Please notify me if you plan to abandon the egg. To ensure you have read this far, who is your favorite mod? (Crazy1080 for me.) I do take breed requests. For trade offers I will autoaccept: Hollies (duh) Neglected Dragons (duh) Magi HATCHIES Prize Dragons (Shimmerscales, and Golden Tinsels until I get one) I will take most extremely commons and all, but ONLY IF THEY ARE HATCHIES. To ensure you have read this far, what is your favorite dragon? (Pillows FTW!) Rares like Trios (for gifting and summoning more), Blacks, Cheeses, etc. And one more thing: I don't care about lineages. Give me all your inbreds and long gen dragons if you don't want them. I don't see why everyone makes such a fuss over lineages.
Umm I will name a neglected if you can breed me one Otherwise a Thunder would be nice... I won't abandon R0bbiejo I like albinos and misfit pygmies
Oh... I'll take a neglected if you have one, red. We can trade. I'll also take any ice, thunder or magma dragons you have.
Guys, you do know you can't breed neglecteds, right? I named my gold Sadim Lanigiro Eht. First person to figure out what it means gets a free dragon, anything offic my scroll.
Hmm... I guess I could start trying to get some neglected Dragons. But i have a rule for myself that I won't give something away if I don't have it first. But I will try. How do I know you read the rules?