Can not log in

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Azurelinctus, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Hi i just joined the server, I was logged into server 1 which had a reset, now im not able to get back on. If i try logging into one of the other servers I get a message sent back that I can only be logged onto one server at a time. Im not logged into server 1 still unless there is an error and the server thinks I am.
  2. I have already informed the Mods, who are contacting Admins.
    Hopefully will be fixed shortly :)
  3. smp1 seems to be the issue. Working on getting ahold of Aikar
    Virostek likes this.
  4. Am I actually still logged in though? If I am you could try kicking me.
  5. According to the player list you're still on 1 - I'm trying to get Dwight to kick you :)
  6. I already PM'd him, and he's the one that told us to wait until Aikar can fix it :)
    Then Chicken said also to wait.
  7. so Azurelinctus are you stuck on smp1
  8. On my server list he is indeed "online".
    AlexChance likes this.
  9. but is he frozen or playing around. if frozen yes a kick but playing one the server no kick. just don't sign out of smp1 if keep playing on smp1 for now :)
  10. My Minecraft Client is closed, yet still claims I am online :(
  11. I think it's just coming up with the "You can only be connected to one Empire Minecraft server" error. This would make sense - as the server list says that he's online, it must mean that the server's frozen but kicked the players and kept the data.

    If he's still playing though, he's lucky :p But pretty sure he can't get on any server, so needs you to remove him from the list (by kicking).

    EDIT: Theory confirmed by Viro :p
    Virostek likes this.
  12. Yeh im deffinetly not joking around dwight, I also tried logging in with another account of mine however it gives me the same message "You can only be connected to one Empire Minecraft server" if i try to connect to another of the empire servers, however server 1 has a "cant reach server" error everytime i refresh my server list.
    Virostek likes this.
  13. Square won't let me kick you or ban you to force sign off you guys. I will keep at it.
  14. Are you able to use /kick on another server? I would suggest that as a last resort
  15. Alternatively you could ask everyone to log off server one and do a forece reset, perhaps it will reset the player list?
  16. Unless mods have that sorta ability, may not happen.
    If we can't play until Aikar is awake then oh well.

    Bed time anyway honestly :)
  17. No one is on SMP1 because it's frozen - or something like that.

    That's most likely what's happening. Dwight can't reset the servers though, we need Aikar or another admin to do that. :/
  18. Sucks for those that were originally playing in it, if they had the same situation as azurelinctus
    and I.

    Otherwise good night Alex, see ya tomorrow probably.
  19. Goodnight, I'm sure that it'll be fixed in the morning. Dwight's tried to do what he can but unfortunately nothing else except hoping Max/Aikar/Jeremy get his texts :)

    Justin is checking it out now