Egg drop

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by JabrZer0, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. I remember doing this in science class, there was one rule. No parachutes allowed.
  2. I used balloons in my class..
  3. well, i saw on youtube someone that made a ceramic plate, then got 4 model rocket engines and attached them on, then made a system that could adjust them. he then launched this device with the egg on it and it went 10 stories up then glided safely to the ground on chem rocket power. SAY WHAT :D. he then put a picture showing his A++. he actually had an A++. no joke. i'll find a link...
  4. i did that with cornstarch and water, in a 2-1 ratio. worked lak a charm. did it in what, grade three?:confused: