[GIVEAWAY] Red's 400th Day on EMC! *Tommorrow*

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by EvilServerAdmin, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Today is my 399th day on emc and tommorrow is my 400th! I am to have a giveaway for it since I see thats what the hip people are doing. Now its a very special giveaway, where you dont get a set prize, you get prizes out of 3 random dispensers. It could be anything, 3 blocks of dirt, 3 tokens for 1000r, 3 Diamond blocks, 3 random enchanted items, or any combo of the sort. 50 Slots avaliable, will use random.org
    (Will update tommorrow)
    1. TheEpic5
    2. adsingh
    3. DragonFlame356
    4. facu12301
    5. Equinox_Boss
    6. CruncKk
    7. plasma131
    8. superg64
    9. alex_jacob
    10. creepincreepers7
    11. colesta1200
    12. cddm95ace
    13. TheTruffleHunter
    14. BrenRGerm
    15. Terr
    16. HylianNinja
    17. salesman200
    18. Iceraider18
    19. Runningrhino
    20. Nilex92
    21. aCookieGod
    22. penfoldex
    23. bitemenow15
    24. WeirdManaico
    25. IcecreamCattle
    26. marklea
    27. Talukegord
    28. 333kirby
    29. Narfer420
    30. uglydragon
    31. 607
    32. Pab10S
    33. Kman122000
    34. southpark347
    35. jacob5089
    36. 72Volt
    37. marknaaijer
    38. "Qwerty Thing"
    39. jamesg003
    40. havioxs
    41. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx
    42. IamSaj
    43. ItsMeMatheus
    44. RevampedMadness
    45. migueldemesa
    46. Charip
    47. eklektoi
    48. B4DMAN5IMON
    49. bat192
    50. Chascarillo

    DO NOT ASK FOR ME TO PICK A NUMBER FOR YOU. I WILL GO :mad: In other words, I will not do it.

    If a number you requested has already been chosen, please read the op to see which ones are unchosen. :)
    IamSaj, Equinox_Boss and HylianNinja like this.
  2. 42 Please.
    You're so hip!
  3. 34 , cheers mate
    IamSaj likes this.
  4. 16
    IamSaj likes this.
  5. 43 please, congratz on being old :cool:
    jamesg003 and IamSaj like this.
  6. 22 please.
    IamSaj likes this.
  7. 21 please! If chosen any number would be fine!
    IamSaj likes this.
  8. 25
    IamSaj likes this.
  9. 8
    IamSaj likes this.
  10. 27 plz
    IamSaj likes this.
  11. GO :mad: for me. :)
    IamSaj and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. 5 please :)
    IamSaj likes this.
  13. 1 Because I'm number 1
    IamSaj and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. I beat you at 5. :p
    IamSaj likes this.
  15. Must....keep....temper....under....control.....
    Twitch1 and IamSaj like this.
  16. 13 please. I did these giveaways before they were cool :cool:
    IamSaj likes this.
  17. 33. I was too lazy and poor to do a giveaway for my 400th day (6 days ago)
    Congrats though. Your a good user.
    creepincreepers7 and IamSaj like this.
  18. Note, I wil throw out random questions and the first one to answer it will get a cheap dumb prize from my chests of mystery (junk) ;)

    Q: During the Civil War in U.S.A. What side had the better leading forces?
    Cheap Dumb Prize: A gold ore
    IamSaj likes this.
  19. If you mean leading by generals, then the South.
    If by presidents, North.
    creepincreepers7 and IamSaj like this.