[Auction] Double Chest of Chainmail Armor! (In Demand)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Golden_Guppy, Feb 23, 2013.

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  1. Lead at 11.7k!
  2. Not to be rude but I presume this auction has run over 48 hours.

    Started Saturday 5:01pm.
  3. Sorry, 5:01am.
  4. Auction Ends: 48 hours after last bidder

  5. 6k this could sell for lots
  6. The bid is 11.8k and you still havent paid me for my auction lol..
    Golden_Guppy likes this.
  7. Nightly bump!
  8. will u be doing another aution with like helmet, chestplates, trousers and boots of armour?
  9. 13k.

    is this auction over yet? lol
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