Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Runningrhino, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Bump! Rman in the lead with 4.6k!
  2. ermm, 4.7k, i guess, even tho i have no use whatsoever for these items XD
  3. Then just quit, i need them XD
  4. rman in the lead with 5k!
  5. Dangit, almost had it again XD

    Well, should I bid again, or should I not?

    *Making a poll*

    *Being to lazy to make a legit poll*

    Just comment on my page saying yes, if I should vote again, and no if I shouldnt (or reply to this post on this thread)

    Rman, Running and I cant vote XD
  6. rman wins with 5k!!!! once payment is received access will be set up at 4001 smp2
    Curundu likes this.
  7. woops, meant to bid again, but forgot XD
  8. Good :p
    codygraw101 likes this.
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