[Auction] Double Chest of Rotten Flesh (1r starting bid)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by wolves, Feb 14, 2013.

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  1. Auction Ending Time: Auction will end exactly 36 hours after the last bid has been posted with no other bids after it
  2. so 35hr and some mins until i win
  3. Yep, your spot on ;)
  4. 1600 haha no you havnt
  5. 1600r from NeonSmurff1 with the steal
  6. ... what would you want with it... wolves isnt this your only food.... Zombie Flesh?
  7. IronicSwordPlay in the lead with 2500r!
  8. Around 24 hours left before IronicSwordPlay takes the flesh!
  9. 18 hours left before IronicSwordPlay wins
  10. yay dead people flesh be mine in 14hrs
  11. 3 hours left!
  12. cuz i can 2510
  13. And the timer is reset. damn... :p
  14. xxherpusderpusxx in the lead with 2510r.. Auction ends 1am Thursday morning
  15. 5000r haha beat that people
    wolves likes this.
  16. Ironicswordplay in the lead with 5000r can anyone beat that?
  17. i could but i dont need all that really
    IronicSwordPlay and wolves like this.
  18. THE IRONICNESS will win yay
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