[Auction] Double chest of instant health 2 potions[CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by facu12301, Feb 6, 2013.

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  1. Are u splitting?
  2. Probably not.
  3. Ironic he is not splitting. Pay 8k, I already made u the chest
  4. IronicSwordPlay you have 24 hours to pay the full amount or you will be reprimanded.
    If you don't pay within 24 hours facu12301 is free to offer to next highest bidder or relist.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  5. Hey. If ironic dont get the money the potions are yours!
  6. If he fails make payment, then yes, you can offer them to me.
    But I don't have to take the offer.
  7. I know. Thanks for accepting
  8. sorry facu i will not be buying the potions i dont have enough money so sorry RainbowChin wins :(
  9. but if he want to slipt i will
  10. Do u want the potions? He is not paying. You can Also split with him
  11. i will split with him give me one week for money
  12. No thanks.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. Oh no! Please can u split or somebody can take them? This was a very good price for me. If RainbowChin doesnt want them ( please take them) I will wait for Ironic
  14. I beg he accepts. If he doesnt accept I will wait for You to get 8k
  15. I have said I have declined at multiple points now.
    Ironic won, he will have to pay or risk punishment like Bigdavie said.
  16. Once I have an auction that goes very high, the winner doesnt have the money.

    I will wait for You Ironic, move fast
    RainbowChin likes this.
  17. You are not supposed to bid in a auction unless you have the money for it.
    Also another rule.
  18. I am not ironicswordplay
    RainbowChin likes this.
  19. I know lol, that wasn't directed at you sorry :oops:
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