Don't Starve - Random # Giveaway! by Twitch1

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Twitch1, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Don't Starve is an uncompromising wilderness survival game full of science and magic. You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back home.

    Pre-Purchase Don't Starve
    Includes two copies of Don't Starve - Send the extra copy to a friend!
    Steam Link

    New info left out previously
    "... both games have options to play directly in your browser - an indicator of the increasing sophistication of the browser-based game scene."
    Game Informer 239 pg. 29

    With that, I present to you my random number giveaway. :)
    This will end after all 50 numbers have been accounted for.
    If for some reason I can't garner enough attention, we will change this to another method with involved members only. I will use the same random number generator used by others found at

    I will not purchase this game until Thursday, 14 February 2013 @ 5pm EST so you have plenty of time to help garner interest for this. The game looks amazing and the review from Game Informer 239 pg. 29 is what made me choose to look into the game. :)

    1. Curundu
    2. redwing2000
    3. penfoldex
    4. TheSkidz
    5. 333kirby
    6. Hasorko
    7. B4DMAN5IMON
    8. eklektoi
    9. fluffinator09
    10. Crazy1080
    11. Faithcaster
    12. callummiskelly
    13. WeirdManaico
    14. catwarrior7
    15. lameidl
    16. Nole972
    17. HylianNinja
    18. Crazy1800
    19. Terr
    20. ILostMyShorts
    21. cddm95ace
    22. killerzone
    23. jrlizard
    24. yankees518
    25. SleepyPK
    26. Lukas3226
    27. talukegord
    28. aCookieGod
    29. Jake_bagby
    30. funkyfalcon34
    31. TheTrufflehunter
    32. HxCami10
    33. Kman122000 - 12 February 2013 winner
    34. ItsMeMatheus
    35. ninjaboy5656
    36. Ahex1021
    37. Qwertyip
    38. daegoo
    39. creepincreepers7
    40. TheMinner333
    41. MoeMacZap
    42. SpaceShuttleFan
    43. princebee
    44. havioxs
    45. 1998golfer
    46. PAVI259
    47. BobTheTomato9798
    48. AmusedStew
    49. dandandondo
    50. NoahMarcusWhite

    Here is the album Step by Step:
  2. 24
    Twitch1 likes this.
  3. 1
    Twitch1 likes this.
  4. Updated
  5. You are very kind. I would like 17 please.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  6. Updated
  7. 16
    Twitch1 likes this.
  8. Updated
  9. Updated
  10. Number 26 please.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  11. 23
    Twitch1 likes this.
  12. Mr Twitch, may I please acquire the number 7...
    Twitch1 likes this.
  13. 23!
    Twitch1 likes this.
  14. I think jrlizard already took No. 23
    Twitch1 likes this.
  15. 15
    Twitch1 likes this.
  16. 27 :U
    Twitch1 likes this.
  17. 14
    Twitch1 likes this.
  18. I'll take 41
    Twitch1 likes this.
  19. 34 please :)
    Twitch1 likes this.