Looking for Enchanted Books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by IronicSwordPlay, Feb 11, 2013.

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  1. Hi guys im looking for Enchanted Books here what i want.

    Silk touch 1
    Fire Aspect 2
    Unbrecking 3-5
    flame 1-2
    and infinty 1

    i will pay up to 1000r for each book and if people get me 3 or more they will get friendship with me on emc which give you bonus which u can find on 6271 on smp3.
  2. Unbreaking 4-5 does not exist. I'll see what I can get you soon.
    I could try some for you if you supplied some books.
  3. oh ok thx for letting me know...
  4. I can get u all except unbreaking. I return from holidays on wednesday. So we can talk then
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  5. Please come to 16612 on SMP8 i have all of those in stock :)
  6. Ill sell u infinity 1 book for 1K
  7. I will sell infinity 800r at smp4 8402
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  8. ok i'll have the infinty book for 800r plz thank u
  9. and facu in u could get the fireaspect 2 and silk touch 1 plz for me
  10. This should be posted at the "Products" forum, and not the "Auction" forums..
  11. anyway i got all the stuff i want so DIE
  12. Yeah, why would i want to die because of you? You're not worth it.
  13. You was only advised you have posted in wrong section, and your reaction is inapropiate at all. Telling someone to go die? I had much better thoughts about your personality :confused:
    FrozenForger likes this.
  14. no i mean the thead as to die how do i do that
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