Hello Everybody, As some of you saw, Aikar was dropping this " EMC Treasure Voucher ".He dropped 5-7 of these im guessing. It was pieces of paper that allows you to get a free Vault Page. Or you may auction it,or keep it. Whatever you like with it. Crazy1080 : Or throw it in lava..Which works.. too. This post was just for me, or the other curious players out there.In the comments below please tell me if you'vegot one of these Vouchers.You may post a picture of it also! Players who got it : aCookieGodFaithcasterJoshmcfHeyarooRainbowChinAhzerielweis2000 This is a picture of my Voucher!
Well, you can add my name to that list Also, josh is auctioning his off, and I think heyaroo claimed hers. There was also 10 dropped.
They seem to have a curse on them lol, 2 owners out of the first batch of three have now been banned lol Keeping mine
Btw, nice choice of texture pack. I approve None of the above, hold on to it. Part of EMC History like others said. weis2000 got one add him. I was with him in a skype call at the time... "Dude, dude, I-I got it!" Lol it was hilarious XD
I have 3 of those. I might use 1, but I'll keep 2. And throw yours in lava, just so it has more value o/
Luck, I guess? 1 from a drop party, 2 from IcC's zombie thing yesterday. And I have this 'EMC treasure chest', where I hold all my exclusive items I have 4 EMC fireworks and 3 slips