Would you guys like this?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mba2012, Dec 14, 2012.


Do you like the idea?

Yes 21 vote(s) 63.6%
No 3 vote(s) 9.1%
Sort of 9 vote(s) 27.3%
  1. I though this was Justin Dx
  2. Was I the only one who noticed he changed his profile pic like 2-3 days ago... I knew it was Mba, I'm not sure Justin's ever coming back much.
  3. I'm pretty sure he changed it today. And your not the only one.
    mba2012 and creepincreepers7 like this.
  4. Noooo, maybe not 3 but it was more than a day I think...
  5. I hate your face! I thought this was a JustinGuy post! :mad:
    mba2012, AlexHallon and jrm531 like this.
  6. Darn you MBA... Impersonating justin... -_-