[Auction] DC of Stones

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Jakres, Feb 8, 2013.

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  1. Wow so I guess stone is in demand xD
  2. Wait until they see me auctioning 2 DC of stones... Can't image how many bids i might be getting if comparing this auction.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  3. Yes... yes it is... It is going to be used to repair my dalek spaceship on planet 18001
  4. A worthless bump that i don't think someone will be outbidding NoahMarcusWhite, but who knows?
    Maybe someone will outbid him? Or not?
    marknaaijer likes this.
  5. If someone does... I WILL EXTERMINATE!
  6. u cant do that it can only be by 500r not 499 so its 1,501r lol :p
  7. You're selling SKIPPING* stones?:D
  8. Whatever that means due to me being sleepy. :confused:
    marknaaijer likes this.
  10. Wow, derp, 9k.
  11. Is the bid starting to near to 10k?

    Oh my gosh.
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