[AUCTION] 27 Level 30 Enchanted Diamond Pickaxes!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Prince_Xanthos, Feb 2, 2013.

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  1. Every time I log on I just smile seeing this number go up and up! :D Shall we send it higher people? Bump!
  2. ... *reluctantly* 26...
  3. Tim in the lead again with 26k. Anyone want to make him sad?
  4. Lol, dont do it!
    (you misspelled my name -_-)
  5. Sorry Tom, wrote it fast :(
  6. idw to make you sad, but for me, picks are worth
  7. 31k
    *Weeps* Please stop Bidding!
  8. Please keep bidding!
  9. Honestly if you would like me to stop bidding against you, I will.
  10. lol, you dont have to stop, i was just stating my resentment aganst bidding XD
  11. In other words, make him weep a little more :D
  12. It's been 24 hours since my bid, do i win it? (i'll set up an access chest on smp1 res 2355 for you.)
  13. Actually you just won about 20 minutes ago according to my clock :p but yes you won. I will get on to deliver right away. Just need to make sure I have the money first from you.
  14. No I do not have the money. Like I stated in OP, delivery will be made on receiving the payment!
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