What Food do you eat

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MineMeetsRoblox, Jan 24, 2013.


What food do you eat... Well your favorite

Pineapple 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Bannana 2 vote(s) 4.5%
FOOD 19 vote(s) 43.2%
Potato 5 vote(s) 11.4%
Carrot 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Random 3 vote(s) 6.8%
YOUR MOM! 11 vote(s) 25.0%
MUFFin <---- lol my keyboard when caps... and my Backspace does not work D: 4 vote(s) 9.1%
  1. :eek: last place I lived at had two of them in the front yard, good eating
  2. Who freaking eats CARROTS and POTATOES for breakfast?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. ME lol jk
  4. If you cant tell, well....
  5. In game? What food feeds 3 hunger, propagates easily and gives you experience for preparing it? The glorious baked potato!

    Not in game? FOOD!
  6. Food I eat? People and their dreams.
    plasma131 likes this.
  7. So what you are saying is your name is "coorporate America".
    HylianNinja likes this.
  8. Basically
  9. I beg of you, please change your profile picture.
  10. No candy in there?