The Brotherhood Of Wolves

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by fluffinator09, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Brotherhood Title.png


    Mission Statement
    A member of the Brotherhood swears to uphold the goals
    of the Brotherhood, which are as follows:
    We hunt griefers, meaning we catch them.
    We build outposts in the Wild
    to aid the needy, and stock them with food and weapons.

    Fight Song:
    Code of Conduct:

    1. Thou shalt not foul the air with unpleasant words.

    2. Thou shall show proper Respect to all people’s no matter how misguided they may be.

    3. Thou shalt not disrespect the community, other groups, or other people.

    4. Thou shalt not grief other people’s creations.

    5. Thou shall remain true to the BrotherHood.

    6. Thou shalt not spam or harass.

    7. Thou shall obey their superiors if their order is True.

    8. Though shall help all members of our group and those of them that are Innocent.

    9. Thou shall not spill Innocent blood.

    10. Thou shalt use words before violence.

    11. Thou shall Respect all Administrators, and Moderators and obey them before other Wolves.

    12. Thou shall hunt the Dreadful Creeper every 2nd Friday of the month.

    13. Thou shall live, die, and fight by the Code.


    *The Seneschal does not command anyone but reports only to the Grandmasters


    GrandMaster: Oversees everything

    Seneschal: Bookkeeper

    Turcopiler: Oversees outposts and outpost construction

    Marshal: Military Commander

    Under-Marshal: Aide to the Marshal

    Standard Bearer: Maintains and organizes PR department and campaigns

    Squire: Errand Runner and one who checks on outposts

    Knight: Manages griefer traps

    Sergeant: Basic foot soldier and assistant to the Knights

    Grandmasters: Hash98, fluffinator09
    Standard Bearers:
    Squires: Jtc0999,

    The Brotherhood of Wolves

    Clan Application

    In Game Name:

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

    How long have you been a part of EMC?:

    What encouraged you to join our clan?:

    What do you "specialize" in on Minecraft?:

    What Time Zone do you live in?:
    Position (NO GRANDMASTERS)*:
    Can You Follow The Code?:
    *We may change this if you get accepted

    More info will be added as needed and later tonight
    zulu9 likes this.
  2. game name: Jtc0999
    how long playing MC: over two years
    how long in EMC: about 90 days
    join clan reason: To protect the weak and innocent
    what i specialize: i work behind-the-scenes for projects and do VERY well
    timezone: central
    position: squire
    EDIT!: can i follow the code: yes i can :D
  3. Accepted, please wait for GrandMaster Hash to second it.
    battmeghs likes this.
  4. In Game Name: thetrufflehunter

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: over 3 years.

    How long have you been a part of EMC?: over 400 days.

    What encouraged you to join our clan?: sounds very lawful :D

    What do you "specialize" in on Minecraft?: redstone.

    What Time Zone do you live in?: PST
    Position (NO GRANDMASTERS)*: turcopiler
    Can You Follow The Code?: yes.
  5. Clan Application

    In Game Name: pat2011

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 2 years

    How long have you been a part of EMC?: Almost 9 months

    What encouraged you to join our clan?: I like to go to the wild a lot and also I like helping others

    What do you "specialize" in on Minecraft?: Mining and Exploring

    What Time Zone do you live in?: Est
    Position (NO GRANDMASTERS)*: Squire
    Can You Follow The Code?: Yes
    *We may change this if you get accepted
  6. Clan Application

    In Game Name:Charip

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:10-12months

    How long have you been a part of EMC?: ~230 days

    What encouraged you to join our clan?: the mission to manage people that might attempt to harm bystanders and put them in their rightful place.

    What do you "specialize" in on Minecraft?: Fighting and Mining. (also a little bit of redstone)

    What Time Zone do you live in?: CST (U.S.)

    Position (NO GRANDMASTERS)*: Knight

    Can You Follow The Code?: I have the ability to and I will use that ability.
  7. Accepted
  8. Accepted in my POV, please wait for a secondary acceptance from fluffinator09
  9. Accepted, please wait for fluffinator09 for a secondary acceptance.
  10. Remember, we are not fighting, we are simply catching the griefers. NO PVP. Other than that, I think I will accept you, just wait for fluffinator09.
  11. I was not suggesting PVP. I was saying fighting as a general skill, not to be used against players.
    Your application stated Minecraft skills, which I assumed meant any skill, not just EMC
  12. Ok, well I have accepted you anyway :)
  13. Important Knowledge
    Our main HQ is at 1103 on Smp-1
    (Hash98's Residence)
    This is were we will hold meetings, grow food,
    make supplies, etc.
    It is in the process of being built atm.
    We will announce when we are complete.
    Thanks, Grand Masters
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  14. I am changing your position to Standard-Bearer
  15. I will update the Roster at 6 EST
  16. We need more members! Also we are in works on our first meeting, which will be mandatory in attendance!
  17. Clan Application

    In Game Name: maask12345

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 1 1/2 years

    How long have you been a part of EMC?: About a week or so

    What encouraged you to join our clan?: Protecting the wild, helping others with outposts.

    What do you "specialize" in on Minecraft?: Making food, managing farms

    What Time Zone do you live in?: GMT -5
    Position : Squire
    Can You Follow The Code?: Yep
  18. Accepted wait for Grandmaster Hash to approve as well
    maask12345 likes this.
  19. Grandmaster fluffinator, what would happen if the first meeting conflicts with real-life situations? (Like school)
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  20. Exce
    Exceptions can be made, please post a valid reason. If you do you will be excused. If we find that you are just skipping you could be removed and/or demoted.