[Suggestion] /afk

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Faithcaster, Dec 28, 2012.


How do you like the /afk mode ?

Love it 36 vote(s) 92.3%
Rawr, it sucks 3 vote(s) 7.7%
  1. Hello EMC
    Is anyone tired of not getting answers from people ?
    We need to have /afk mode. It would be good when you needed to go for a few minuts, you could just /afk and like when people is telling you something, they will get a message like this -Faithcaster is AFK-
  2. Dude this is an awesome idea!!! Also, im first :D
  3. Amazing! This needs to be added right now.
  4. Love it. Sure it's been suggested a couple thousand times, but I love it anyway.
  5. I get too many PMS on the forum "why u no answer me ingame" so this /afk will help that :D
    Jcplugs likes this.
  6. I like it, not much to hate. It would be even better if it auto kicked people at a certain amount of time of inactive like the old system(Or was that another server).
  7. I love the idea! But what if they need too rush off to do something quick? ( like take care of some business that's been held in their "chamber" for a long time )

    What if there was a message everyone could see when the player is idle for a certain period of time?
    That why you won't have to go through the trouble to actually send a message to see if they are AFK

    Anyone agree? Disagree?
  8. While you're at that, lets see how long a person has been on the server. It could be implented in the /p command. Example if you did /p WeirdManaico, you would see - Time on Server: A gabajillion frillion hours.
  9. Will the "/afk" system allow other players to PM you?
  10. Not sure really..
  11. But what if people do the spamming trick with /afk?
    nfell2009 is now AFK
    *I walk a step*
    nfell2009 is no longer AFK
    nfell2009 is now AFK
    *I walk a step*
    nfell2009 is no longer AFK

    nfell2009 is now AFK
    *I walk a step*
    nfell2009 is no longer AFK

    nfell2009 is now AFK
    *I walk a step*
    nfell2009 is no longer AFK

    nfell2009 is now AFK
    *I walk a step*
    nfell2009 is no longer AFK

    nfell2009 is now AFK
    *I walk a step*
    nfell2009 is no longer AFK
  12. The player would probably be only spamming himself, as i assume the AFK message will only appear to that particular player. I also want this to be implemented :) But maybe not allow the player to move while in AFK mode..
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  13. No they appear to the whole server. But what about you can turn them off? Or something
  14. they shouldn't appear on the whole server
    Just when you try to talk to the person
    nfell2009 likes this.
  15. Oh I like that idea :)
  16. It's ok don't take notice to what i said...i mean it wasn't good idea -_-
  17. Can't wait to hear the staff's thoughts on this :)
  18. It should be implemented, I don't want people to think I'm ignoring them when I'm simply just not at the keyboard for a few minutes.

    As to the people that say people will spam with the feature, they can disable the global message of it displaying that.
  19. I've been hoping something like this could be implemented... Perhaps it could also say in /p in the last seen section: AFK on server SMP*
    southpark347 likes this.
  20. i think this is a good idea if when aikar is not so busy doing all the other codes and he can implement it in a way where it doesn't become a bothersome problem like spamming the chat. maybe if enough players say tally a vote for this, then possibly in the future our awesome staff might consider the addition of this. i would vote for it, but i would not expect this to be added in the near future as poor aikar seems to be keep busy quite often lol. i sometimes feel sry for him, does the poor guy even ever get a chance to sleep? lol.