Christmas gift list - extends to players from all smp's

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Roslyn, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Thanks man :D
    batrobindancin.gif '
    and you get a hug :p
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  2. I might have been a bit naughty.... A chest of coal perhaps?
  3. lol
  4. Nothing... at all... I felt loved D:

    Congrats to those who did make the list, unlike all us (me) naughty teletubbies!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  5. Chest spots with just name signs are set up, go to 3118 to see where your chest is so you won't be lost on the 25th. There are a few blank chest still which means a few names can still be added to the list!
  6. List updated
  7. Thank you South! Your awesome
  8. Awe man, naughty list :p
  9. Na, no ones on the naughty list unless someone makes a naughty list.
    southpark347 likes this.
  10. Yay I'm in though I'm not on the list
  11. Going to have to cut back on some of the beacon gifts and replace with regular wither skulls since of the new entcount update that has dramatically effected the nether and the wither farm I have within it
  12. That sucks, I guess beacon prices will skyrocket? xD
  13. Ooh yay! I'm nice or notible! =D
  14. For list members: taking a wish list if there is something in specific that you may want and you "may" get.
  15. OMG. My name's on there! Thanks so much.
  16. Zoebearfun105 approves of this message.
  17. I must say, thank you. This is very nice of you. I was very suprised. :) To be honest, I was shocked! I did not know that I was that known in the game. :)
    nickjwolfe likes this.
  18. Remember if your on the list, the chest will be open on the 25th 12:00 am pacific time.
  19. Well, guess I didn't make the list.