509: Now Hiring

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by galazeek, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Name: EnvoyDragon
    What you want to stock: Cobblestone, ores. ingots, gems, farming stuff, blocks, pretty much anything
    How much of it you have: I currently sold all my items, but I am going on a mining trip and will have a lot of stuff later.
    Will you stay dedicated to stocking and not make it a one time thing: Yes I will stay dedicated
  2. Name: Jake_bagby
    What you want to stock: Wool/Oak wood
    How much of it you have:Couple of stacks of wool per week and some wood
    Will you stay dedicated to stocking and not make it a one time thing: Yes i will stay dedicated to stock your shop
  3. Thank you! Definately hired
    Yes! someone doing wool :p Hired Indeed
  4. Please apply! easy way to make money!
  5. Bump, Please Apply!
  6. Name: moyaboya
    What you want to stock: Cakes! :D
    How much of it you have: Alot. Like, tons.
    Will you stay dedicated to stocking and not make it a one time thing: Depends on how fast a double chest of cake runs out.
  7. I would, I just dont sell cake, sorry :oops:
    Is there anything else youd like to stock? I can give you tons of shears to get wool (Easy Money! :p)
  8. Now Supplying Shears to the wool stockers...Stock on!
  9. I'll have some iron coming your way soon.
    Could you maybe switch the shop to buying iron blocks instead for convience?
  10. Course, anything thatll suit you best :p
  11. Thanks, last time I had to sell loads of ingots which was obviously spamming both our chats :)
  12. I'll be glad to stock some wood. I got way too much! =)
  14. lol I just dont see a need for it, and if I did Ihave tons... :p
  15. Do you need Enchanted Items?
  16. No sorry, if you want to shear wool for money I supply shears
  17. Ok
  18. When are we going to receive move perms on your residence to help stock your shop?
  19. It wont be on 509, you will stock the materials at 731, notify me when you want to start
  20. You want to shear wool?