[FORUM GAME] Rate the signature above yours!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by PRO_G4NGST4, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. 10/10
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  2. Oh yeah? Do you have a cool profile pic? Do you write in yellow? Do you have more than 2,000 posts?
  3. Oh yeah? Do YOU have a cool profile pic? Do you have a Gold tinsel dragon? Have you built something with 1797 lapis and iron blocks?
  4. Guys, please stop arguing.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  5. Awww... but it was so much fun! ;)
  6. Do you have a hamster? Have you played more than a year on EMC???
  7. Let me just vote for the person that's gonna post below me: 0/10
    Anyways above: 9/10
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  8. 4/10
    Good info but needs to be organized :D

    Edit lol matthew we posted at same time
  9. Good, being a LLO member gives you 9, 542542542... out of 10
  10. I felt after 24 days of no activity here, a bump was needed. :p
  11. Waitwhat? 8/10
  12. Everyone knows I'm the best

    7/10 :p needs more shazam