Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. Oh haha, awesome
  2. This is like a 1%er asking us all to compare wallets.
    melk73, NurglesRott and apamment like this.
  3. You can get banned from the website for asking for likes,
    and posting a picture of youreself is up to you, not us.

    EDIT: I'm actually not 100% sure on that, but I know its not allowed.
    S_R_L_B likes this.
  4. Wild hermit Kenokam has appeared!

    oidking, bitfed and KylieVonEngel like this.
  5. hehe... Do you now, or have you ever had furry toes? Also, does the phrase "second breakfast" inspire any specific emotions for you? ;)

    That is an awesome Shire-beard. :-D
    will_iamd and Malicaii12 like this.
  6. BEARDS Everywhere!
  7. Furry toes? I wouldn't say they're furry, but there's definitely some hair on the knuckles. As for second breakfast, I'd think one would need to have a first breakfast to have a second. Also, that picture is close to a year old and I can only recall shaving once since then. I may need to take a new picture...
  8. Hobbits are G's. Word.

    I got hairy toes and no shame.
    Malicaii12 and Crazy1080 like this.
  9. I used to make "arrow to the knee" jokes but then I actually got an arrow to the f*****g hurt like hell man, I cried so hard!
    AlexChance likes this.
  10. I think 75% of EMC players are in the military, were in the military, or have beards, or all three.
    GameKribJim, Kenokam and S_R_L_B like this.
  11. Nice beard bro, I wish I could grow a long one like that!
  12. Ok, ok, ok.

    This is 2 years old, but you'll get the idea:


    Add about 5 inches and 20 more pounds to that and you've got what I look like now!

    I'm not really a picture-person, so that's the best I could do atm.

    EDIT: The title of this thread is... interesting. :confused:
    AlexHallon, amadai and Seberling like this.
  13. <--- i am already showing myself :)
    NurglesRott likes this.
  14. Hahahaha! I guess nobody is really getting the point. The one girl at the beginning kind of started it off slow with a top down shot of her body, but it kind of digressed from there...then there was some guy eating an Xbox controller, haha!
    S_R_L_B likes this.
  15. Lol, did you not notice the name next to the Xbox eater/lovers picture? That some guy is none other then one or our console devouring admins :p
    Seberling, Mrsmiley99 and MR2R2M like this.
  16. Lol yea! Isn't it Jeremy? It's hilarious!
  17. fish behind you is like Nom Nom Nom i'ma eat you!
  18. This is a picture of me and Malicaii12. :) IMG0058.jpg
  19. Your related to Malicaii12? or best friends? and Malicaii is Blond!??@!?@! @#$@!@
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