[Selling] Double Blaze Grinder with Extras [closed]

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by coffee_bullet, Nov 3, 2012.

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  1. yer just tested it
    wait 5 mins in afk box
    and then kill all blazes and get level 30
  2. Hmm, with sword or potions? Sounds wrong to me :confused:
  3. well when i wait for 5 mins in my AFK box then i kill them with my hand and i get to level 30
    probably 6 mins if u include killing them
  4. is it 1 kill zone?
  5. PRO_G4NGST4 likes this.
  6. Can those two separate kill points be transformed to one?
    How far are those kill points?
  7. soz they can't be transferred to one it will be 2 hard and they are only like 10 blocks away from each other
  8. bump looking for buyers :D
  9. god i want this........ my 28k will not allow it though :(
  10. pm me about it we could work some thing about it
  11. If this wasn't on smp1 then I would so buy this.
  12. there is an easy path to get directly there really quick u could go back and forth easily!!!
  13. Yeah it takes a few minutes to get there, trust me I live on smp1 it isn't a bother :)
  14. So, How many other people use this?
  15. pm me if u are interested
  16. Can I buy a time-share in it for whoever buys it? My dual zombie cave spider doesn't go too fast...
  17. What is the price you'd like to have for it?
  18. pm me :D
  19. DUDE!
    WTF THAT is my farm!
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