Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Missed a leetle tree! :mad:
    Rage ragerageragerageragerage...
  2. About half of the AP just had vampires everywhere.

    Every single one of them were took in seconds.

    Halloween breeding has officially started.

    On an unrelated note, any eggs I have in my sig will be used for zombie fodding.
  3. Vampires can bite all year round.
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  4. I wish... I have some zombie fodder dead right now. *evilgrin*
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  5. Statement: Invalid.
    Just seen another 5 vamps on the AP.
  6. Would some of you guys mind clicking mah egg
  7. You don't need clicks, just views.

    Clicks just boost it.

    Also, once Halloween is over i'm thinking of taking a break from Dragon Cave. If I can get a zombie and a male and female vampire (males look amazing), i'll be done until Christmas.
  9. Can not agree more. :)
    I have gotten 2 shadow walkers, 2 black marrows, and 2 things for the T o T.
  10. Already? I have nothing. :(
  11. Hey, what can I say? I got lucky.
    The S.W.s are both 2nd gen and the B.M.s areboth 3rd gen.
  12. Well, I collected every single item in the scavenger hunt!
  13. You're done?!?! I suck at Halloween.
  14. Haven't seen a Halloween egg for 30 minutes. What's going on?
  15. Qwert, would u be a dear and send me one of each? ;)

    Got a vamp:
  16. Yup, all 30 items

    Edit: fail. Quoted wrong post
  17. The answer will probably be no. On Halloween, it's every man/woman for themselves.
  18. Theory: breeding starts at diff times in diff timezones. PST, EST, PMT, etc.