Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. My first magma and my tan will hatch tomorrow \o/
  2. nice magma! missed 9 dinos to date :mad:

  3. Dorkface, has two spriters alts and a tinsel in it's linage. :cool:
  4. Bask in the glory, of my alt black dragon hatchling.
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  5. Ahem...
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  6. 45 minutes. I'm pumped. Watch the AP, be fast, and catch those eggs!
    Yes, there will be special eggs. They're from past Halloweens though. On Halloween, you can try for limited-edition CB Halloween eggs!
  7. Ahem, bronze tinsel.
  8. Ahem...
  9. Here's my incubator.
  10. Can someone catch me a Halloween please? I may not be able to get on, which would suck so much :(
  11. Oh no... NOOOO! Halloween breeding starts on Thursday! I could have used my "late start" day for catching eggs! You would not believe how angry I am right now.
  12. So still 2 days to go?
  13. Midnight of tomorrow. :mad:
  14. So is it on 10/24/12 at what time?
  15. Time is 10/24/12 at midnight. :mad:
  16. So would breeding be able to happen at 6:00 am tomorrow?
  17. No, midnight about 12 hours from now.
  18. As I said before, I go to school 2 hours later tomorrow. If the breeding had begun at the right time, I could catch tons of eggs! :mad::mad::mad:
  20. gold tinsel.
    Looks like we're starting the battle of the rares...