Hey guys So Im developing an Android app Called "Shout!". The idea is simple. Sometimes when you just have managed something awsome like found stacks of diamonds or just got an A on a test etc...,You just want to shout it out to the world,And this App will help you do that. The keywords for the app is: Simple,Fast,Easy You have 3 screens. 1. Screen,Here you can send out "Shouts" 2. Here you can read other people shouts for the last 24h,Dosent matter what country or region etc. 3. Here you can change your username The idea is that you will be anonomys and that you will be able to search on shouts from different persons if wanted. So what do you say? Good Idea or bad idea? Oh and there is and iPhone version coming Please post any comments! Thank you Thestar19 Edit IF you answere need some work please post what
You should have a register for it so then people can have accounts and then add private conversations on different devices and platforms
Kind of,But better and anonomus And nfeel,Maybe,But there are alot of apps offering that already so it might be implemented later
lol, EMC will not be adding a "dislike" button anytime soon. Way to many negative consequences. Just want to clarify that so we don't get over 9000 threads about it. (like Facebook)
I thought you're anonymous, how are you searching other people's shouts, and, why do you need a username?
I think would be cool is to have a login and private chat and then have "The ShoutBox" where people can just talk!
Username = a name that you pick,If you dont pick one,You will get the name "name" Whats it for? Sometimes when you just have managed something awsome like found stacks of diamonds or just got an A on a test etc...,You just want to shout it out to the world,And this App will help you do that.