Mountain Residence

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by sideshowallie, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. if i can find it that is :p
  2. Such a creative idea. Really well done too. Great job guys. Thanks for sharing...I'm off for a closer look now :)
  3. excellent and i love the time lapse photos too!
  4. Ok, well I'm glad that you guys all like it. I was a bit worried about what the responses might be (I'm an imperfect perfectionist) to be honest. Thanks!
  5. Absolutely amazing.
  6. Awesome! I love it!
  7. You could build floating snow clouds with houses on them.
    vividOptimism likes this.
  8. It looks great! Good work!
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  9. I'm planning on building a few floating islands and maybe even put houses on them to rent. I'll update my first post once I do :)
    vividOptimism likes this.
  10. Thanks. I like your pencil too :)
    5weety and Chascarrillo like this.
  11. Definitely cool.
  12. 2 words... LOOKS AMAZING!!!
  13. Cool :) I may buy one if you rent them
  14. Cool. Any idea on what pricing should be?
  15. Depending on the size, but I think that 1,400 r a week for a normal house is OK.
  16. Ok cool. Thanks :)
  17. Ok, if anyone sees this and sells glowstone or sandstone in bulk and cheap please tell me :)
  18. I liked how ununiformed you made it.
    If you'd like an idea of a floating island, check out mine on Smp4 8981. I think it fits your style.
  19. I will thank you. I'm going for the diamond supporter challenge so hopefully I'll be able to get more materials with my login bonus
  20. You should make a new thread, or add to this one, about the skeleton crawling out of the mountain that I made