Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Hmm, I wont trade a tinsel for a vampire, seeing as I have 3, and I already have a magi :(
  2. what about a pappperrrrr???
  3. look at the lineage on my black
  4. Yes?
  5. Wow, Halloween is just two weeks away. Here's my personal Halloween plan:
    Friday, October 19: Make sure egg slots are all open for past holiday collection.
    Wednesday, October 24: Halloween breeding starts. Stay up late and grab as many past halloween eggs as possible.
    Wednesday, October 31: Halloween! Stay up late and grab my eggs. Maybe some after school... the demand will have died down a little.
  6. Hey, I was just thinking the same thing!
    Idea Theft!
  7. I will get some eggs.
  8. just that it only involves 2 kinds of dragons, which one of is shadow walker, and they switch positions :p
  9. Then what do you want?
  10. Lets hope this is an alt.
  11. How do you get the new paper dragon?
  12. Hey, calm down >.>
    I think a set of trio dragons would be good.
  13. 2 new eggs, PLEASE do not let this batch die!
  14. If they get to around four days and they still haven't hatched, use this. http://www.coup-detat.info/NDER/NDDC.php Put your scroll name in the box and check the eggs. They'll get enough views to grow up then.

    The paper has been around for a while, but it's a rare egg. Your best chances of getting one are at the top of the hour.

    Halloween approaches, and my egg slots are all clear in anticipation of the Halloween breeding season. Also, suggested reading for any Halloween 2012 egg grabbers: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=141849
  15. I don't know what does that mean, but I got a new green egg that seems to be one of those crappy lime or mint not-winged dragons. Dangit :mad:
  16. 3 landmarks for me:
    10-20: GoN attempt 2!
    10-24: Ap haunting for pumpkins, balck marrows, and shadow walkers.
    10-31: Halloween! Cave haunting for the new haloween dragon.
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  17. Heh, got another fall egg.
  18. I want a cheese... I have no rares at all. Just commons and uncommons.
  19. i want a shadow walker