The One million giveaway party - Album

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tazri, Oct 13, 2012.


Did you go to the party?

Yes! 14 vote(s) 51.9%
Sadly, no. 13 vote(s) 48.1%
  1. Hey Empireminecraftians! here are a lot of photos of the epic giveaway that LZBZ_DW organised just a few hours ago :)
    2012-10-13_21.49.07.png 2012-10-13_20.30.48.png 2012-10-13_20.31.41.png 2012-10-13_20.32.31.png 2012-10-13_20.32.37.png 2012-10-13_20.32.39.png 2012-10-13_20.32.40.png 2012-10-13_20.32.43.png 2012-10-13_20.32.44.png 2012-10-13_20.33.07.png 2012-10-13_20.33.12.png 2012-10-13_20.33.14.png 2012-10-13_20.33.22.png 2012-10-13_20.33.28.png 2012-10-13_20.33.30.png 2012-10-13_20.33.36.png 2012-10-13_20.33.52.png 2012-10-13_20.35.29.png 2012-10-13_20.35.33.png 2012-10-13_20.35.44.png
  2. More photos I couldn't upload:
    2012-10-13_20.36.00.png 2012-10-13_20.37.29.png 2012-10-13_20.37.51.png 2012-10-13_20.37.56.png 2012-10-13_20.37.57.png 2012-10-13_20.38.03.png 2012-10-13_20.38.18.png 2012-10-13_20.38.21.png 2012-10-13_20.38.22.png 2012-10-13_20.38.25.png 2012-10-13_20.38.27.png 2012-10-13_20.35.46.png
    alexhuac and margaritte like this.
  3. im famous! :D (im the aqua creeper i hand sprited.)
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  4. More!
    2012-10-13_21.01.01.png 2012-10-13_21.04.56.png 2012-10-13_21.04.58.png 2012-10-13_21.04.59.png 2012-10-13_21.05.01.png
    alexhuac likes this.
  5. I'll upload all the photos to imgur, and title them all so you know who is who! :D
    alexhuac likes this.
  6. <---- look for me
  7. I'm like the only one who couldn't attend D:
  8. Thanks for taking and posting this!
    Great shots.
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  9. i love the last picture of the second post.
    LZBZ_DW likes this.
  10. A lot of people couldn't attend; the server was full.
    Thanks; wait for the imgur album ;)
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  11. I could not attend it!:( :( :( :( NO!
  12. What?
  13. Fixed it sorry!
  14. Oh :)

    More pics! Now titled :D

    Batman with a stick: Batman with a stick.png
    hayjam likes this.
  15. That guy in the left with a lizard skin is my skin!
  16. He's sonicol1 :D
  17. Ok!
  18. Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  19. I updated the event's OP with this, but I'm going to put it here too.
    Video of the event:
    Watch on youtube for HD
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  20. Yay, i saw mee!! :D
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.