Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Heh, I already have one, and a cheese
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  2. zoe, could i hav a fall hatchie for free? ;)
  3. this thread will rival the LLO thread within the end of this month. im sure of that.
  4. No need to rub it in... :(
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  5. What do you want for it?!?!?
  6. an arm and i leg :p
  7. I love to rub things in, yes I know, Im a terrible person.
  8. Could you please jusst answer the question?
  9. A tinsel?
    Many uncommon or a few rare eggs.
  10. do you still want to breed a golden wyvern when youre not egglocked for a paper?
  11. Nahhh, maybe another egg for a golden wyvern.
  12. I justfound an egg :) click mine Please :D Ill click everyone elses :)
  13. I feel sorry for Zoe... all the i can haz tinsel.
    I have a gold and a silver. ;D
  14. Clicked
    Please click mine :)
  15. Dragon Cave isn't a contest, please don't make it one. :) If this thread gets out of hand, it will be locked like any other.
    Mrsmiley99 likes this.
  16. Who is that directed to?
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  17. I randomly wandered onto the AP and came out with 2 falls and a black. Pretty successful hunt.
  18. And I missed two falls and a black off the AP.
    That is one creepy coincidince...