Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I'm fine with it, as long as they eventually get named.
    I made my names unique easily; Put in some spin-off words, put a common suffix at the end, there you go.
  2. Thanks for the advice, I also want to name them something that relates to the dragon, Ive seen names that make no sense whatsoever.
    EDIT: Should I keep this purebred vine?
    I want to see if I can get other rares, but this might be a good egg.
  3. My eggies love you all! I am going to make a B.A. lineage, soon as I get some tinsels XD
  4. I try to keep mine related to the qualities, type, or physical features of the dragons.
  5. B. A. stands for Bad ass
  6. *Puts on sunglasses* Yeah...
  7. Mine are all latin words that have to do with the dragon. most of the names are taken though so i might make a group name
  8. Just to show off all of my dragons
  9. how do oyu do that?
  10. Account--> Generate Incubator.
  11. Go to the website, and click account, then Generate Incubator, then customize your incubator, then post it on the thread as if it were any other picture.

  12. My dragons :p Gonna start breeding pure bred luminas :)
  13. Is your lumina a boy or girl?
    If its a boy I'd trade something for it.
  14. Female sorry, but what would you have traded it for
  15. Well I would have let you chosen what I might have traded it for, the lumina in my sig is a a cb so I wanted another cb male so I could breed purebreds.
  16. Got a cool-lineaged Vine off the AP...
  17. You should breed gold wyverns, because im going to breed luminas
  18. Hmm, maybe.