Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I missed a Cave Born Magma!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. Ouch
  3. </3
  4. i dont get how these work
    killinkinglb likes this.
  5. I guess depends on gender
    moyaboya likes this.
  6. Hey crazy, I would love one of those thunders you currently posses.
  7. I plan on breeding them, magma's, and ice, getting pure breds, and handing them out to ya'll like candy.
    Also, I offered this to moyaboya, but no response. I DON'T WANT IT!

  8. Hmm... my ice dragon just got a shot of awesome and bred me an Ice egg. Offers? Auto-accept is 3 falls, but offer me anything you think will work!
    Taken by AlexHallon.
  9. I offered :) its the best i got so far
  10. Hey I had that exact same luck.
    See that egg in my sig?
    Ill trade something rare for it!
  11. Great... Just abandoned a Thunder and a Purple dino since the people I addressed them to never responded.
  12. Don't know if I add a summer into my autumn's amazing lineage....
  13. DONT DO IT
  14. I have a purebred vine, is that good?
  15. Why?
  16. Now that I've got my Trio, I'll start collecting my Pillow army, get some rares, breed/give them to people...
    And I'll somehow give all my Pillows names, Since unnamed dragons are the bane of my existence. Like SSF said, if you don't have time to name your dragons, you don't care about them.
  17. Okay, that's three pillow eggs now.
  18. Well, sometimes we don't name our dragons because our names are taken, maybe we like to think about our names, to make them unique.
    Names I've tried have been taken, I like to think about my names.