Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. No, no, no, don't give me a replacement. I'll get you one ASAP, once I'm not egglocked.
  2. got a geode and a soemthing else thats olive green, gonna put in my siggy soon.
  3. It's an olive dragon.
  4. lol, well that settles that... we have the exact same things in our sigs, but i have the addition of a magi hatchie, not egg, and a hellfire :D
  5. Moral of story: EMC likes dragons.
  6. True dat.
  7. And apparently smp7 Jungle Outposts as well..
  8. Thanks! I'll start a PM with you, so you can post the trade link privately.
  9. Yes clicky my eggs, my golden wyvern is cracking :D
  10. Does anyone have a CB water dragon they would be willing to trade? I can give you a dorkface water dragon for it.. :3
    >>><<< They look like this, and this is the dragon I would be trading.. Although I haven't setup a trade link for it yet.. <,<
  11. I'll get you one once I'm not egg locked. Would u mind throwing
    my eggs into a click site? I'm on my phone, so I cant
  12. Um, if it's not too late, I just caught one. CB. You want?
  13. Unfogged my wyvern, still working on the secret project.
  14. Please tell me if the wording in this meme is inappropriate to post.
    I just got a Neo with 3 views, 1d 18h left on it. *Evil grin*
  15. I always try to put my dragons (Experiments not withstanding) on NDDC at ~6 days, as they tend to get sick if I put them on there when I first get them.. But here is the trade link for whoever want to trade for it.. Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!
  16. Meh, I keep getting vines from my poet's project.. t-t ..On the plus side, there is small chance that they might be alts.. Does someone want to trade something for my latest one? I just ask that if you trade for it, please continue the naming tradition.. ie. A Shakespearean Character and a word describe them, For Example: (This one is already taken by someone, not me though) Puck's Mischief.. Puck is a mischievous sprite from A Midsummer's Nights Dream. He/She is quoted to saying the last line in the play, "If these Shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended./That you have but slumbered here, while these Shadows did appear..." Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!
  17. My eggs finally hatched!!
  18. Got another Cheese. This one on accident....... In 5 hours, anyone wanna trade a magma with a lineage for it?
  19. I could try and get you a Magma.

    EDIT: Woo! Got one! How many gens you looking for? This is third gen.
  20. I don't have a preference. Any generation works. At 7:00 P.M PST I can trade the egg